It's that time of year again-- we may recall it fondly or with horror-- where high school seniors must face their future and make that inevitable college decision. No matter where you end up, you might feel a little bit of anxiety over leaving behind the small comforts of high school for the brand new world of higher education. High school was a great experience for me, and I still have plenty of friends still awaiting their graduation. I won't go so far as to say "best four years of my life," because so far college is looking to surpass that. But I do understand that there is some disappointment in leaving high school behind-- all the pep rallies, games, school spirit, social hierarchy, and drama that goes with it. But fear not-- college is really just a glorified high school experience. Imagine all your favorite (and not-so-favorite) aspects of high school-- and I'm sure you can find a college equivalent.
Spirit Week. Now, I went to a public high school, so all those assemblies and chaotic hallway encounters you see in movies were a reality. We all looked forward to spirit week-- you got to make crazy themed outfits for each day of the week, culminating in an assembly or school dance (ugh) at the end of the week. College may be lacking in Class Color Days or the Boys vs. Girls Assembly, but what we do have is theme parties. Theme parties are basically just spirit week on crack-- same outfits, but a lot more sweaty bodies packed into a dirty basement spilling beer all over said outfit. So don't despair, high schoolers-- your puffy-painted "80zz 2010" t-shirts will still go to good use.
Lunch Period. In high school, those 45 minutes were the highlight of your day: you finally got to chill in the middle of the hallway, lean against lockers, or, if you were really cool, go off-campus for lunch. No one ventured to the cafeteria at my high school. In college, lunch is still a pivotal part of the day. There's no risk of detention if you pull in to the parking lot five minutes late, and the food is (marginally) better. It's the best time to see everyone and catch up, which was basically the same purpose it served in high school. It still remains the perfect time to cram in the rest of your homework, as well.
Social Strife. People may be a shred more mature in college and a little more open-minded, but jocks are still jocks and theater kids are still theater kids, and it's all very similar. You're friends with some people and not others, and you generally hang out with people who do the same stuff as you. It's a time commitment thing. At a small, homogenous school like Trinity, the social scene is very similar to a high school's. Not in a bad way-- everyone is fun and friendly, but if you were into climbing the social ladder in high school, you can totally keep doing that. It's called pledging.
Detention. Worried you're gonna miss out on some good work detail or picking up trash in the parking lot? (Ok. didn't think so...but just in case) It's definitely harder to get in trouble, but the consequences are possibly worse. But a noise violation or other room infraction will land you with some community service or disciplinary action. Instead of getting "called to the principal's office," it's "meet with your area coordinator or dean of students." May sound scary, but college discipline is nothing new. However, you are probably going to do stupider things here than in high school, so duh, you're gonna have to pay.
Sure, college gives you more freedom from your teachers and parents controlling your life. But parents know how to operate a phone and they can try very hard to control your life from however many thousands of miles away they are. At least we know how to screen calls. Just kidding mom, I love your life advice..... But actually, does this high school thing get old? Seniors in college are just as lost and confused as their high school counterparts right now-- and they're finally entering the real world! Are we ever going to grow out of this controlled environment we've spent so long in? Or is real life just more of the same? Hmm, I wonder what the theme party of life would be...?
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