Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rites of Passage: Chipmunk Cheeks

I know I haven't blogged in awhile, because who wants to spend their summer indoors on a computer? (Oh yeah...we all do that).  But there just hasn't really been anything exciting enough to mention. Today, though, is the day I go through that lovely coming-of-age event known as wisdom teeth extraction. Often a staple of summer and winter breaks, the wisdom teeth surgery is one that most late adolescents must suffer through at some point in their young life. Unortunately, I am not one of the lucky few that is of superior evolution (without wisdom teeth-- we don't need them!) and I have to get all four under-the-surface teeth brutally pulled from my face. I am not really looking forward to it. My appontment isn't until 4 pm, which means I cannot eat or drink (even water) past ten am. Obviously, I had to set my alarm for 9:30 to eat a huge breakfast because I am not the kind of person who wants to starve myself for six hours. Since then, I've had all day to wander about my house, peruse the Internet, and contemplate my surgery.  Would have been nice if it had been scheduled for the morning... Its a beautiful day, and I would love to go out and run, but I'm afraid that working out will make me both hungry and thirsty, and then what will I do.Yes, these are the excuses I make for myself. So instead I'm killing time on the Internet, watching Jenna marbles videos and trying to plan for my future ( researching study abroad programs, specifically) to distract myself from the looming process.

I don't know much about what's supposed to happen. I thought I was supposed to get a consultation, but I'm just going right for it. I know I am getting fully anesthetized, which I've never done before. That would be interesting, except that I won't remember any of it. Everyone I mention this to has some sort of horror story or words of wisdom:

 "Don't pass out while you're in the waiting room, like I did."

"My friend cried when she went under and was still crying when she woke up."

"By the sixth day I still hadn't eaten anything and was too weak to lift a bowl of yogurt."

"Don't forget to take your pain meds with food or you'll throw up like I did."

"I blew my nose and all my stitches came out."

Seriously, people actually said all this to me! And then they all follow with the same thing: "But it's really not that bad!" Really? Cuz you made it sound bad!!
I'm not that nervous really, I know that its a 100% routine procedure and I'm looking forward to some time off work. I've never been on pain meds, and those sound fun. It'll be an easy way to diet! Unless of course, I demand that everyone take me out for milkshakes.

So nothing much exciting going on. Its my third to last weekend at home, and I'll be spending it in bed with some Always Sunny DVDs and my moms new iPad, using up all her data plan. Chipmunk cheeks ferdayz, my friends. Wish me luck! I will post a follow-up, Vicodin-induced summary of the process during the weekend to follow

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